- Marco Mascia, UNESCO Chair "Human Rights, Democracy and Peace", University of Padova
Editorial Board
- Paola Degani, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova
- Pietro de Perini (Managing Editor), Human Rights Centre "A. Papisca", University of Padova
- Paolo De Stefani, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova
- Lisa Heschl, European Traning Centre on Human Rights and Democracy, University of Graz
- Leonie Fleischmann, Department of International Politics, City, University of London
- Riccardo Nanni (book review editor), Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trent
- Piergiuseppe Parisi, York Law School, Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York
- Damien Short, School of Advanced Studies, University of London
Advisory Board
- Khurshid Ahmad, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College, Dublin
- Alicia Cabezudo, Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
- Marcello Ghilardi, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padova
- Ivan Koprić, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
- Wolfgang S. Heinz, Free University Berlin
- Livia Holden, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
- Peter Johnasson, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University
- Francesca Longo, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania
- Antonio Marchesi, Faculty of Law, University of Teramo
- Tuomas Martikainen, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki
- Gerd Oberleitner, UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security, University of Graz
- Arrigo Opocher, Deparment of Economics and Management, University of Padova
- Katharina Pabel, Institute for European and International Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Elena Pariotti, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova
- Vesna Petrovic, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights
- Paolo Piva, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova
- David Fernandez Puyana, Permanent Observer of the University for Peace, San José de Costarica
- Magdalena Ratajczak, Institute of International Studies, University of Wroclaw
- Ann Skelton, UNESCO Chair in Education Law in Africa, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
- Carlotta Sorba, Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padova
- Josep Maria Llop Torné, UNESCO Chair in Intermediate Cities, University of Lleida
- George Ulrich, Academic Director of the Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice
- Wouter Vandenhole, UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights, University of Antwerp
- Songcai Yang, Institute of Human Rights, Guanghzou University
Professor Antonio Papisca (✝ 2017) was the founder of Peace Human Rights Governance