Manuscript Submission

PHRG publishes original scholarly articles that address human rights, peace and governance-related issues. Articles can take into account these issues at either the local, national, regional and global/international level or from a multi-level perspective.

The length of submitted articles must be between 7,000 and 9,000 words (notes, which should be kept to a minimum, and bibliography are excluded from word count). Longer manuscripts will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

Submitted articles should engage the reader and contribute originally to the academic debate on current issues connected to peace, human rights, international relations and governance questions. They should present and follow a clear methodology. Prior consideration will be provided to those submissions that make a specific original contribution to the development of a solid multi-disciplinary and tentatively inter-disciplinary approach to peace and human rights scholarship.

All articles submitted must be original, that is, they should not be under review or published somewhere else. Only articles that fall within the purview of the editorial policy will be considered for publication. A request to submit a contribution to PHRG is not a guarantee of publication.

PHRG accepts submissions at any time. Call for papers may be issued periodically on specific themes.  

It is the Author’s responsibility to ensure that their manuscript is well-written and that the facts, grammar, use of punctuation and spelling are accurate. It is also the author’s responsibility to ensure that ideas and sources are cited appropriately and accurately. 

Authors must facilitate anonymous refereeing including: avoiding ackowledgments in the first submission, avoiding sentence constructions such as 'as I have argued previously'; 'drawing on my recent work'; and keeping self-references to a minimum. 


Form and Style

Each submitted manuscript should start with a title of the article and the name of the author/authors, their institutional affiliation, the e-mail address of the corresponding author/s. This should be followed by an abstract (approximately 250 words), and four to six key-words in English. The article must be provided in an open format  (i.e. Microsoft Word, open office, etc). 

Manuscripts should be presented in a form and style as set out below.

The article must begin with an Introduction where the author presents the research question/s, the main argument/hypothesis, the original contribution to scholarship, the methdology and the structure of the article.

Authors are requested to format their research articles by using this template (without adding new styles). 


Spelling: British English (use Oxford dictionary for questions of spelling).

Emphasis: To emphasise a word or phrase please italicize it in the text. Do not use bold or underline.

Quotes: Quotes of less than three lines should be run on in the text of the paragraph. Quotes of greater than three lines should be indented (see styles in the template). Use the British convention for quotes (i.e. single quote marks; double quote marks within the quotation) – e.g.  According to experts ‘the problems of the “1503 procedure” can be solved through the establishment of the Human Rights Council’.



Strictly use the following style (ensure that all relevant information are included)

Works should be cited in the text by the name/date system: that is, give the author’s surname, year of publication and, where relevant, the page reference immediately after the material derived from the source, e.g. (Gull 2013, 64).

When referring to text spanning more than one page: (Wellborn 2002, 81-83).

When a source has two authors, place both authors’ surnames in the order in which they appear on the source, with the word and separating them.

If there are three or more authors, only use the first listed author’s name in the in-text citation, followed by “et al.” and the publishing year in the text, but give all the authors’ names in the reference list/bibliography.

Where there are two or more works by the same author in the same year, they should be distinguished by adding letters: 1997a, 1997b, etc.

Please include page reference numbers for all direct citations. 

If footnotes are used, please set the footnote number before the full stop (if the footnote is at the end of the sentence). 


In the bibliography/list of references  please follow this style (punctuation, upper/lower case, italics/roman) exactly:

for books,: Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date of publication) Title, Place of publication: Press.  E.g. Hill, C.  (2016) Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century, London: Palgrave.

for articles in journals: Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date of publication) ‘Title of paper’, Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), x-y.

for chapters in books: Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date of publication) ‘Title of paper’, in Surname, Initial. Initial.(of all authors) (ed./eds.), Title of the book, Place of publication: Press, x-y. 

for books or documents that are published online only please provide the URL and the date of access.

for more authors: Surname, Initial. Initial., Surname, Initial. Initial., ..., and Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date of publication)...

for online-only resources (non-formatted articles, blog posts, newspapers news, policy documents, videos, video interviews etc.) it is necessary to refer to the URL and the date of access, following this syle:  Surname, Initial. Initial. or Name of the Organisation/Institution/Association (Date of publication) ‘Title of the resource’, retrieved from: complete URL (accessed: dd/mm/yyyy).


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